> Vätternrundan > Registration opens tonight

Registration opens tonight


Det kan knappt ha undgått er att vi idag öppnar anmälan till den 50:e Vätternrundan. 19.00 öppnas en temporär anmälningssida på där ni klistrar in er anmälningskod.

4 November

Hi all!

Tonight we open the registration for the 50th Vätternrundan. At 7 pm we open a temporary registration site at where you paste or type the registration code. NOTE! Only one person per group or registration code can enter the code. The group leader (or someone else that you have decided) is responsible for entering the code at the given time.

Can’t find your registration code? Go to and press the link “Get registration code” and fill in birth date and a valid e-mail address and it will be sent to you.

Good luck!

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