> Vätternrundan > Enormous interest in Vätternrundan 2014

Enormous interest in Vätternrundan 2014

5 November

We are overwhelmed by the enormous interest in Vätternrundan. At the same time we are sad that we cannot provide everyone who wants to ride a spot in the race. We want nothing more than for everyone to be able to share the experience.

We get many questions by phone and email and here are a few answers:

  1. As usual there will be a couple of transfer weeks in april 2014 for name changes and transfers. (date to be announced)
  2. If you are participating in the swedish ‘Classic’ (En Svensk Klassiker) you will be given an opportunity to buy an entry during the period 3-17 of March. Requirements is at least one completed ski race of the following during 2014: Vasaloppet 90 km, Öppet Spår 90 km or Engelbrektsloppet 60 km. The price will at that time be 1750 SEK and the entry non-transferable. All who meet the above requirements are guaranteed an entry during these two weeks.
  3. A few people have had questions about technical problems due to the giant onslaught the first hour of registration. We are truly sorry for those of you who experienced technical difficulties of any kind. Some of you have had questions, suggestions and opinions regarding the new registration procedure. We appreciate your feedback and thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts.

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