(Svenska) Oskar Sundblad ny försäljnings- och marknadschef för Vätternrundan

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(Svenska) Motalas multihall blir Vätternrundan Arena

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(Svenska) Vätternrundan söker försäljnings- och marknadschef

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New route for Vätternrundan

Vätternrundan have made changes to the route in order to increase safety.
On Thursday Vätternrundan agreed on the changes to be made to the last section of the ride. This means that as of 2020 Vätternrundan will now be 315kms long. Approximately 15kms longer than before.

For a long time Vätternrundan have considered changing sections of the course North of Vättern. There were a number of narrow and heavily trafficated passages that Vätternrundan felt needed addressing for reasons of safety.

”We are constantly striving to raise the experience of our events, not least by making them safe and more secure.” Gunilla Brynell-Johansson goes on to say. ”We sent out an extra survey to our participants after this year’s ride and the response we received only strengthened our findings in that we need to do something about the section of the ride after Hammarsundet, a section that many feel unsafe riding on.”

After extensive research of several alternatives the board of Vätternrundan decided on Thursday to change part of the course covering the last part of the ride. Instead of following the heavily trafficated Highway 50, cyclists will now as of 2020, ride through Askersund and on to Motala via Åmmeberg, Zinkgruvan and Godegård.

”We have test-ridden, gone through the statistics and studied every intersection in order to build a sound basis for our decision”, informs Gunilla Brynell-Johansson. On average, 770 vehicles daily use the new roads we have chosen every year as opposed to 6000 on the current route. That gives a good indication towards increased safety. Plus, the new route is extremely picturesque.

“Of course there are disadvantages. Not least losing the epic ride over Hammarsundet. We tried to find an alternative route in order to turn off from Highway 50 a little later into the ride but there was no safe way of resolving this.”

This means that the new route for Vätternrundan will from 2020 be 315kms long. Approximately 15kms longer that today. In other words, an even bigger challenge.

“Vätternrundan is a long ride and we fully understand that some participants will feel that 15kms extra is a lot, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson. But at the same time, both we and the cyclists wish for as safe a ride as possible.”

“We believe this change will entice many cyclists back to Vätternrundan, those who have probably refrained from taking part due to safety issues.”

Vätternrundan has decided on the new route together with the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). The suggestion now moves on to County Administration for final approval.

Rgistration dates for Vätternrundan 2020

25th of November: Registration of interest for Vätternrundan closes
27th of November: The main registration for Vätternrundan opens at 7 p.m.

Sign up for the event at My Pages.

(Svenska) Här är de nominerade till Vätternrundans pris Årets Idrottsprestation 2019

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(Svenska) Ulrika Smith Svenstedt slutar som marknadschef för Vätternrundan

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The main registration for Vätternrundan moved back

The main registration for Vätternrundan 300kms has been pushed back one month and will now open the 27th of November. “We are currently looking at changing large sections of the course,” informs Vätternrundan’s CEO Gunilla Brynell-Johansson. “Before we can open the main registration we have to be able to give participants an overall picture of the race they are applying to take part in.”

For a long time Vätternrundan has considered changing sections of the course North of Vättern. There are narrow passages that many participants feel need to be looked at.

”We are constantly striving to raise the experience of our events, not least by making them safe and more secure.” Gunilla Brynell-Johansson goes on to say. ”We sent out an extra survey to our participant after this year’s ride and the response we received only strengthend our findings that we need to do something about the section of the ride after Hammarsundet.”

A planned extensive rebuild of Highway 50 has also increased the need to find another route for this part of the course. Therefore, Vätternrundan has during the summer been working closely with the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) looking at alternatives.

“We have found several different alternatives from the laborious work laid down by all involved.”Says Gunilla. “We need to think through and test-ride every meter of the way.
We are looking at crossings and discussing where and how the depots should be best placed. There are many parameters to take into consideration before we can make a final decision.

This is why we need to push back the opening date for the main registration to Vätternrundan 300kms until the 27th of November. By then we are counting on having a good basis for a decision concerning the course, if there will be any change and how that will look.

“Change is a normal part of our job and it’s not always the case that we have all the details at hand when the main registration is due to open. We believe however that this change can be perceived as quite extensive as we are discussing lengthening the route. This is why we want to give our participants and honest picture of the event they are planning to participate in before we open the main registration.

Everything we are doing is for one reason; to give our participants a safer, more secure and more outstanding event.”

Rgistration dates for Vätternrundan 2020

25th of November: Registration of interest for Vätternrundan 300 km closes
27th of November: The main registration for Vätternrundan 300 km opens at 7 p.m.

Sign up for the event at My Pages.

Development of Vätternrundan’s event

At Vätternrundan we constantly strive to enhance the experience of our events, one element is the work to get even safer races. Extensive external and internal evaluations are continuously made and one area that has been clearly identified and in need of development is the part at northern Vättern. This in combination with the near future extensive redevelopment of highway 50, makes the work on finding an alternative route extra important. This new route can become a reality as early as 2020, which in addition to raising the safety level would also mean a certain extension of the route. At present, several different alternatives are being processed together with the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). We will keep our participants and other stakeholders informed on an ongoing basis.

Registration for Vätternrundan 2020 opens June 17th

In just a few weeks, tens of thousands of cyclists will take on the challenge of Vätternrundan 300 km and the other rides during the big cycling event in Sweden. This year Vätternrundan has good news for all those who want to sign up for a new challenge right after their ride.
”This year we open the registration for next year immediately after the event”, says Ulrika Smith Svenstedt, marketing manager of Vätternrundan.

Up until now, the registration for the Vätternrundan bike rides has opened in September and October, a time of year when cycling isn’t on everyone’s mind. But this year, no one has to wait until autumn to register for the Vätternrundan bike rides. On Monday June 17th, immediately after the Vätternrundan 300 km, the registration and registration of interest open for next year.

”We want to make the most of the euphoria many cyclists feel after the ride. Many of them feel directly after their finish that they want to experience the same feeling again. We want to give them the opportunity to hold on to that feeling and not have to wait until autumn. There are also those accompanying the cyclists or just watching the ride, that get inspired for a challenge. Of course we want to embrace that too.”

“Summer is high season for cycling. To be able to register for our bike events during summer feels natural”, says Ulrika Smith Svenstedt.

From June 17th it will be possible to register for Halvvättern, Tjejvättern, Vätternrundan 100 km and MTB-Vättern för 2020. For Vätternrundan 300 km, and for pre-booked groups, the registration of interest opens the same date.

”A registration of interest for Vätternrundan 300 km is needed to be able to register on October 23rd when the head registration for the ride opens”.

(Svenska) Vätternrundan släpper egen låt

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Vätternrundan would never be what it is today if it wasn't for our fantastic partners who share our passion for the sport of cycling.