Vätternrundan is counting on going ahead in 2021

Following the recent positive information regarding outdoor activities issued by the Public Health Agency of Sweden, the staff at Vätternrundan are working hard to arrange their events infection-safe between 11th – 19th June.
– Should it transpire that it will not be possible to hold the events in June, we have also a date in reserve in September, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson, CEO for Vätternrundan.

In a report to the Government in mid-January, the Public Health Agency of Sweden proposed that outdoor events over unbounded areas should be exempt from participant restrictions; on the condition that the spread of infection decreases and that the organiser can ensure that congestion can be avoided.

It was a positive message, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson. The report, and the new pandemic law, allow for a greater diversity of different events. Based on that message, our plan is to go ahead with the Bike Week between June 11th–19th finishing with Vätternrundan 315 km on 18th–19th June.

– We are humble in the knowledge that there are many factors that are beyond our control. Our participants, volunteers and partners are our first priority and it is paramount that we adapt the events in compliance with the situation at hand.

With an arena that stretches for tens of miles, congestion on the roads is not a major problem. What we are planning for is above all adjustments at the start, finish and depots. For example; it will be about limiting the time you as a participant can be in the start area before the start, affecting and securing an infection-safe flow in the depots and to adapt the finish-zone so as to avoid congestion.

– We are working hard with guidelines and protocols to secure the events, says Oskar Sundblad, marketing manager for Vätternrundan. We are studying everything, from the simple things such as informing participants to lead their bikes with their right hand and thereby create a natural distance, to major changes at the finish where we can guide the cyclists on different paths when they have completed the event. The Bike Week will not look the same as in previous years but it will take place.

At Vätternrundan we are collaborating with other major events in Sweden, both in dialogue with the Public Health Agency and also by working with infection-control measures in the form of protocols and routines. In addition we are also in close dialogue with the regional infection control unit.

– We feel safe with the contacts we have forged and the input we are receiving from both the Public Health Agency and the infection-control unit in Region Östergötland, even though they currently cannot give any definite information about what will happen in June, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson.

The reserve plan – To arrange the events in September
Should it prove impossible to arrange the Bike Week in June as planned, we have a back-up plan in place. The alternative would then be move the events to 2nd–5th September.
In which case: MTB-Vättern will run on 2nd September, Vätternrundan 315 km on 3rd–4th September, Halvvättern, Tjejvättern and Vätternrundan 100 km on 5th September.

– We are committed to arranging the Bike Week in June and that is what we working toward, says Oskar Sundblad. That said, we have also gone through the alternatives and have come to the conclusion that it would also work to arrange the events in September in a beneficial way for all involved. We continue to work with June as our first alternative.

– If new developments arise that effect the planned vaccination and the spread of infection, then we would expect to announce the move of events by mid-April.

Last day for payment moved to 15th April

The uncertainty caused by the current pandemic affects us all and we want to give you additional time in which to pay the entry fee for our events.

The last day for payment will be 15th April. This date applies regardless of whether you have an assigned but unpaid /partially paid starting place, or if you re-register for one of the Vätternrundan events.

(Svenska) Guided Heroes ny officiell leverantör till Vätternrundan

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(Svenska) Vätternrundan släpper film om siste pionjären – premiär på juldagen

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(Svenska) Oskar Sundblad ny vd för Vätternrundan

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(Svenska) VD sökes till Vätternrundan

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Vätternrundan prepares for 2021

PUBLISHED: 2020-09-28
Preparations for 2021’s Vätternrundan are well on the way. At this moment in time it is not quite clear exactly how it will transpire but the Bike Week’s events will be going ahead.

For the tens of thousands of cyclists that signed up for one of Vätternrundan’s events during the Bike Week, the summer of 2020 didn’t pan out as expected. Yet despite the events not taking place with start and finish in Motala, it was still a magical week of cycling.

– Almost six thousand cyclists completed ”My Vätternrundan” on home turf, says Marketing Manager Oscar Sundblad. Social media was flooded with pictures from all over the world and we were overwhelmed with the response of the cycling community’s love for all things cycling.

Now the whole Vätternrundan team is preparing for next year and despite the uncertainty surrounding possible restrictions, one thing is sure; there will be an event.

– At present we have no way of knowing just how we will implement Vätternrundan’s events in 2021 but they will take place. Perhaps not in the way we have become accustomed to expect but we are weighing up all the possibilities in order to adjust the Bike Week accordingly. It will happen.

We want to give you the time needed in order to fully understand what it is you are registering for. To this end we are delaying the dates for registration and payment. This means that the registration of interest for Vätternrundan 315 km closes on 18th January 2021, which is also the last day for registering to a pre-booked group. The main registration for Vätternrundan 315 km will open two days later, on 20th January. The last day to pay the rest of your start fee for those that moved their start time in any of Vätternrundan’s events from 2020 to 2021 is the 27th of January. See all the dates in our calendar.

– Don’t stop pedalling, says Oscar Sundblad. Autumn is beautiful, spring is soon here and the goal remains the same. There will be a week of cycling in Motala in 2021. See you there.

UPDATED: 2020-12-09

The last date for payment is moved back again

The uncertainty caused by the current pandemic affects us all and we want to give you additional time in which to pay the entry fee for our events.

The last date for payment will be March 1st unless otherwise announced before then. This date applies regardless of if you have to pay the remainder of the start fee due, because you chose to keep 2020’s start time, or because you are re-registering for Vätternrundan’s events.

If for example, you were to register today, or when Vätternrundan’s main registration opens on January 20th, payment must still be made by March 1st.

(Svenska) Glädjebeskedet – nu ingår Vätternrundananmälan i friskvårdsbidraget

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Information regarding refund

UPDATED: 2020-05-04
The time frame in which to choose how you wish to allocate your start fee and your start time has now passed. On My Pages you can see the current status of your event/-s based on the choice/-s you previously made. If you did not make an active choice between the dates of 20 April–3 May then you will automatically receive 50 % of the start fee you paid but you will not keep your start time for 2021.

Has your method of payment information changed?
If you have chosen the alternative 50 % refund (or not made an active choice) and the information regarding the method of payment you used to pay for the event has changed; ie credit card, account number, then Vätternrundan will contact you. You will then be able to fill in the current payment information here on My Pages.

PUBLISHED: 2020-04-20
As previously informed, we have been forced to cancel this years Vätternrundan events due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a registered participant in one of our events we need you to choose what you would like to do with your start fee and your start time.

Vätternrundan will refund 50 % of the start fee you have paid in accordance with the conditions of extraordinary circumstances as stated on our homepage. This condition is used and enforced because we need to cover our costs aswell as survive and arrange future cycling events.

We know that many wish to retain their start time for 2021, in order to avoid having to register again. If you want to retain your start time you can choose to have it moved automatically to next years event. That way you will not have to register all over again.

Many have been in touch saying they would like to donate their entire start-fee, for which we are extremely grateful.

You have the following four options from which to choose:

1. You are refunded 50 % of the start fee you paid.

2. You keep your start time and we move 50% of the start fee you paid to 2021’s event. This option offers no refund. You confirm your registration by completing your application and paying the remaining 50 % between 1st July and 27th October 2020.

3. You donate your entire start fee to Motala AIF Idrottsallians/Vätternrundan.

4. You donate your entire start fee to Motala AIF Idrottsallians/Vätternrundan and keep your start time for 2021. You confirm your application by completing and paying the regular start fee for 2021 between 29th October and 15th November 2020.

Please note: If you have not made your choice (between 20th April and 3rd May) you will automatically be refunded 50 % of the start fee you have paid and you will not keep your start time for the 2021 event.

Vätternrundan 2020 cancelled

Vätternrundan 2020 cancelled. Vätternrundan’s decision is now final after the Board have considered all possible alternatives.
– An extremely tough decision, says Vätternrundan’s CEO Gunilla Brynell-Johansson. But the way things stand today we see no possibility to move forward and plan the event.

The spread of COVID-19 has had enormous consequences for society as a whole. Sweden and many other countries find themselves in an extremely precarious situation and at present no one can forsee when this will ease. With this in mind, on April 2nd, Vätternrundan’s board decided to cancel Vätternrundan aswell as the other events they arrange during the Bike Week in Motala..

– We are facing a situation that no one can predict the outcome of right now, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson. The uncertainty as to when life can start to return to normal again is high.

– In view of this situation we have to take our responsibility and give our decision. We understand that there is no possibility for us to move forward and plan for this year’s Vätternrundan. There is a critical point in time where we must make that decision and unfortunately that time is now.

During the last few weeks Vätternrundan’s board have been weighing up all possibilities, including moving the events to later in the year. However, Vätternrundan is a massive event and many plans must be laid down way in advance. Which means that it is highly unlikely that it would be possible to implement the event later in the year.

– This is one of the factors that has led us to conclude that our only alternative is to cancel this year’s events. Our participants and our partners are entitled to know our decision so that they too can rearrange their plans, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson.

Many of those signed up for Vätternrundan are in the middle of completing a ’Svensk Klassiker’, and our message to them is that next years Vätternrundan will count for your current ’Svensk Klassiker’. Vätternrundan will continue to support and encourage all the registered cyclists to keep on with their training, based of course on the continuous recommendations given by the Swedish Public Health Authority (Folkhälsomyndigheten).

– We shall continue to work hard via all our channels available, including social media, to encourage all cyclists in different ways, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson. Exercise is of extreme importance for our health, as long as we can manage it in a responsible manner and without contributing to the spread of COVID-19.

– It feels incredibly hard to have been forced to make such a decision but now we can fully focus on making next year’s event the best ever and we hope that all our cyclists and partners will endeavour to join us in that pursuit.


UPDATED: 2020-04-08

Can I get my start fee refunded?

In cases of a cancelled event due to extraordinary circumstance (force majeure) we will refund 50 % of your start fee.

What do you do with the remaining portion of the start fee you retain?

Vätternrundan is owned 100 % by the non-profit organisation Motala AIF. Organising a mass event such as Vätternrundan requires much preparation. Up untill this point in time we have already come a long way in these preparations. The remaining 50 % is needed in order to cover costs already incurred running the organisation and also to deliver an event again next year.

Here you can see how the monies from start fees are allocated.

Safety/Insurance, 8,3%: Traffic safety, insurance for participants and officials.

Marketing, 8,5%: Marketing channels, trade fairs, the magazine ’Cykla’.

Costs, 11,2%: Licence fees, food, drink, number bibs, medals.

Organisation, 18,4%, Personnel costs, other fees.

Back to sport, 22,3%: Compensation for personnels assignments.

Other external costs, 31,3%: Rent, material, vehicles, IT.

When can I expect my refund?

At the latest in May. We will refund 50 %* of the entry fee to all participants. More infomation concering refunds will be sent out to registered participants via e-mail on April 6th.

* We know that there are participants that want to support the event and donate their entire start fee. This will be a possible alternative. Make your choice at My Pages April 20th-30th.

I paid by invoice. How do I get the groups monies back?

Vätternrundan will contact you about the refund.

I received my start as a gift card. How I do I or the gift donor get the money back?

We will refund the gift card donor 50 %.

Do I as a participant need to do anything in order to instigate a refund?

No, we will take care of the refund. All you will need to do is to check that you have received your monies back by the end of May to the account/card from which the payment was originally made.

Why not postpone the event to later in the year?

Vätternrundan is a huge event that requires extensive preparation. Currently no one can forsee how long our society will be affected by covid-19.The uncertainty this creates and the ramp-up needed for an event such as Vätternrundan means that we do not have the possibility to postpone the event till later in the year.

I purchased Folksams event insurance base/large via My Pages. Can I get my monies back?

This insurance is valid for accidents and illness that prevent your starting the event.
For questions please contact Folksam directly on +46 771-950 950.

I am currently in the middle of my ’Svensk Klassiker’. What happens now?

If you started your ’Svensk klassiker’ before Vätternrundan 2020 and have already completed one of the races in Wasaloppets Winter Week, you will be able to count your respective cycling event in 2021 to your current ’klassiker’.

I am currently participating in a ’Swedish klassiker’ and intend to follow that up with another next year, how will that work for me as regards to the cycling?

In this very special circumstance, the cycling events during Vätternrundan 2021 will be included in the ’Svensk klassiker’ for both 2020 and 2021.

I puchased the ’Klassiker’ package. What happens now?

Your cycle start will be moved to 2021.

I am currently on my way to achieving a ’Superklassiker’ what should I do now?

The bike event during Bike Week 2021 will in this very special case count in a ’Svensk Klassiker’ for both 2020 and 2021.

I have book accommodation via the Vätternrundan booking service, will I get the money back?

Yes, anyone that has booked accommodation via the Vätternrundan booking service for group accommodation will receive a refund for the entire amount.

I have booked accommodation via Svecia Travels, will I get my money back?

Questions regarding bookings made via Svecia Travels are referred directly to Svecia Travels.
E-mail: info@sveciatravels.se

Information about COVID-19 (coronavirus)

Vätternrundan are working intensively with the situation surrounding COVID-19.
– There is a critical point at which we will have to decide wether the events can take place or not, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson, CEO for Vätternrundan. As it looks right now we are expecting to be able to notify our participants on April 6th.

The week will attract approximately 36 000 participants, requiring several thousand volunteers and a massive infrastructure. This means that many preparations need to be made at an early stage.

– We are faced with an extremely serious situation and our health is always our main priority. At the same time we do not want to make any rash decisions. Our dilema, along with everyone else, is that no one knows what the future will hold, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson.

– Over the last few days we have gone through all our activities to see how long we can wait before placing our orders etcetera. It’s about respecting our suppliers and of course our participants; who need to know if the events will take place or if they should cancel their accommodation and travel plans.

The Board of Directors at Vätternrundan had an extra meeting last Monday and will have more frequent meetings in order to discuss developments. As it looks now Vätternrundan will await making a decision during the coming two to three weeks.

– There is a point in time where we will have to decide wether we are to arrange the different cycling events or not, says Gunilla Brynell-Johansson. As it stands today we expect to be able to make public our decision on April 6th.

– At the same time we see how the situation is changing from day to day and as we follow developments we will notify our participants and suppliers with continuous updates.


This text was updated 2020-03-16, 2.30 p.m. CET

You can find more information in English on COVID-19 on the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s website.

Our partners

Vätternrundan would never be what it is today if it wasn't for our fantastic partners who share our passion for the sport of cycling.