> Vätternrundan > 2 days left…

2 days left…

3 November

1985 was the year of the 20th Vätternrundan. Never before has so many started (12 832) the ride around the big lake. But the weather was disastrous with rain and wind during most of the ride. That led to another record; 2 476 had to break and did not finish. Despite the rough weather conditions Vätternrundan managed to stay strong and break a new record the year after with over 12 000 finishing.

Tomorrow we open the registration for the 50th Vätternrundan at 7 pm at

How do I register?

Around lunch tomorrow a temporary site will open at There you will find some information on how to register and a link to get your registration code with only your birth number and e-mail address. The registration code is used in the evening, 7 pm, to register. Write or paste your code on and press the button to register.

It is important that only one member of each group enter the code tomorrow. If the group leader enters the code at 19.01 and someone else enters it five minutes later the second time will count as the time when the registration came in, and that could cost you your starting time or even worse; your start place.

Our phone lines will be open as usual 9 am to 4 pm but will open again at 7 pm and for as long as needed.

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